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🪢 Your Name


This is my ever movie/anime which I watched in Theater. It is just amazing experience and feeling while watching this movie in theater. I am just thinking when do I get this type of real life feeling.

🤯 The Anime Craze

  1. I saw a guy who wore every thing of anime merchandise from t-shirt to pant, even his mobile wallpaper has anime charater. I have just seen these type of guys on internet.
  2. When the movie end the ending song starts in Japanese language and suddenly I noticed that a girl starts singing the same verse in Japanese language word by word and I am like Oh My Goddddd! 🤯

🧏‍♀️ A Silent Voice


A feel good romantic fantasy movie.

Why the anime feels better than a live-action movies? This makes me wonder that "some frames of 2D drawings are feel more better than a live-in-action people".

I generally perefer to watch explanation videos of anime movies and series but Priyanshu suggested that you should experience the whole movie. And now I am thinking "What The Fuck I had done 😧?" I have watched Erased, I want to eat you Pancrease.