How To Perform EDA
Performing EDA on a dataset is very difficult and time taking process because there is many thing you can do while performing EDA on your dataset.
Performing EDA on a dataset is very difficult and time taking process because there is many thing you can do while performing EDA on your dataset.
Shared some resources which I have used to learn these technologies. Enjoy!!
graph TD;
Inferential_Statistics["Inferential Statistics"]
Descriptive_Statistics["Descriptive Statistics"]
Measure_of_Central_Tendency["Measure of Central Tendency"]
Weighted_Mean["Weighted Mean"]
Trimmed_Mean["Trimmed Mean"]
Measure_of_Dispersion["Measure of Dispersion"]
Standard_Deviation["Standard Deviation"]
CV["Coefficient of Variation"]
Five_Number_Summary["5 Number Summary"]
Box_Plot["Box Plot / Whisker Plot"]
Statistics --> Descriptive_Statistics
Statistics --> Inferential_Statistics
Descriptive_Statistics --> Measure_of_Central_Tendency
Descriptive_Statistics --> Measure_of_Dispersion
Measure_of_Central_Tendency --> Mean
Measure_of_Central_Tendency --> Median
Measure_of_Central_Tendency --> Mode
Mean --> Weighted_Mean
Mean --> Trimmed_Mean
Measure_of_Dispersion --> UniVariate
Measure_of_Dispersion --> BiVariate
UniVariate --> Range
UniVariate --> Variance
UniVariate --> Standard_Deviation
UniVariate --> CV
UniVariate --> Five_Number_Summary
Five_Number_Summary --> Percentile
Five_Number_Summary --> Box_Plot
BiVariate --> Covariance
BiVariate --> Correlation
function colormap() {
for i in $(seq $range_start $range_end); do
echo -en "\e[48;5;${i}m ${(l:3::0:)i} \e[0m "
[[ $((i % 10)) -eq 0 ]] && echo
return 0
function will print the ANSI colors with codes in your terminal.
This page contains some Tips and Tricks which are helpful to work with Bash scripts or Terminals. I have mentioned only those tips and tricks which I uses most in my daily routine, BTW you can refer to links which I have shared to know all the tips and tricks.