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Bash: Tips and Tricks

This page contains some Tips and Tricks which are helpful to work with Bash scripts or Terminals. I have mentioned only those tips and tricks which I uses most in my daily routine, BTW you can refer to links which I have shared to know all the tips and tricks.

Tips by asottile

I will only mention those commands and shortcuts which helpful for me. You can check all of them using below links.

Command: !!

A substitution which contains the previous command, some useful invocations.

$ ls /proc/1/exe
ls: cannot access '/proc/1/exe': Permission denied

$ sudo !!
sudo ls /proc/1/exe
$ ls /tmp/ | grep sys

$ watch "!!"
watch "ls /tmp/ | grep sys"
(opens up watch panel)

Command: !$

A substitution which contains the last segment of the previous command.


$ python !$
Hello world!
$ mkdir new-project
$ code !$  # Opens the `new-project folder in VSCode

Shortcut: ++ctrl+"\"++

++ctrl+"\"++ sends SIGQUIT (default behavior: terminate + produce a core dump) which can be useful to kill things that normally catch ++ctrl+"c"++ (SIGINT).

🔥 ++ctrl+"\"++ is more powerful than ++ctrl+"c"++.

Additional Tricks

Trick: cmd `!!`

  • Run previous command with new command.
  • Replace previous command with `!!` argument.
$ brew --prefix

$ open `!!`
open `brew --prefix`
# Now opens at "/opt/homebrew" path

Uninstall Apps from Mac

Unistall and remove all app data from your Mac using this script. For more information see this youtube video.

Remove Mac's "Login Items"

  1. Go to /Library/LaunchAgents and /Library/LaunchDaemons path.
  2. Check for the login item names and delete them.
  3. This propcess might asks for password.