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Dockerize - FastAPI - UV

Let's dockerize my yt-comment-sentiment project which is a FastAPI app managed via UV.

Official Docs

🤔 Then, Why this?

I also consider above docs to fulfill my requirements but this includes:

  • Multistage build to reduce final image size.
  • Best and Flexible practices to use uv in Docker.
  • Solution of some problems which I have encountered.


I am taking reference of my yt-comment-sentiment which I have developed and recently and continuously improving it.

FROM python:3.11-slim AS builder
# (1)!
COPY /uv /bin/

# Install gcc for wordcloud
# (2)!
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y gcc && apt-get clean


# (3)!
ADD pyproject.toml uv.lock /app
# Install dependencies with `--extra=backend` dependencies
RUN uv sync --extra=backend --frozen --compile-bytecode --no-install-project

# (4)!
# Copy only necessary files/folders to reduce image size
COPY params.yaml /app
COPY backend /app/backend
COPY ml /app/ml

# (5)!
RUN uv sync --extra=backend --locked

# Final stage
# (6)!
FROM python:3.11-slim AS final
# (7)!
COPY --from=builder /app /app


# Run backend using fastapi-cli
# (8)!
CMD [".venv/bin/fastapi", "run", "--host", "", "--port", "8000", "backend/"]
  1. See official docs by uv.
  2. I am using wordcloud in backend and it require gcc package to build wheels to work in python.
  3. Add to install dependencies of project. But there is more in docs.
  4. You can also use .dockerignore to do this.
  5. Re-sync project, view in docs.
  6. Use multistage builds to reduce image size.
  7. Here we import only required files from builder stage (which is /app directory) because it contains .venv/ directory (where all project deps were installed) and project files.

  8. Finally, use fastapi-cli to run you app. See FastAPI docs.

If you get any other problem please refer to official docs.