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Learn FastAPI

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A better framework than Flask. Get production-ready code and API. With automatic interactive documentation. Based on (and fully compatible with) the open standards for APIs: OpenAPI (previously known as Swagger) and JSON Schema.


  1. Automatic docs: Generate documentation for your API automatically.
    • Swagger UI: Interactive exploration, call and test your API directly from the browser.
    • Redoc: Read only documentation. You can also download this doc.
  2. Response Validation: Use pydantic BaseModel as TypeHint in Python which automatically validate your responses.
  3. Starlette Features: FastAPI is actually a sub-class of Starlette.With FastAPI you get all of Starlette's features (as FastAPI is just Starlette on steroids):
  4. Supports Asynchronous programming.
Important Links To Learn FastAPI

FastAPI Tutorials

Asynchronous Programming Tutorials

Some Advice On FastAPI

Extra Links around FastAPI