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Basics of Statistics for ML

graph TD;
    Inferential_Statistics["Inferential Statistics"]
    Descriptive_Statistics["Descriptive Statistics"]
    Measure_of_Central_Tendency["Measure of Central Tendency"]
    Weighted_Mean["Weighted Mean"]
    Trimmed_Mean["Trimmed Mean"]
    Measure_of_Dispersion["Measure of Dispersion"]
    Standard_Deviation["Standard Deviation"]
    CV["Coefficient of Variation"]
    Five_Number_Summary["5 Number Summary"]
    Box_Plot["Box Plot / Whisker Plot"]

    Statistics --> Descriptive_Statistics
    Statistics --> Inferential_Statistics
    Descriptive_Statistics --> Measure_of_Central_Tendency
    Descriptive_Statistics --> Measure_of_Dispersion
    Measure_of_Central_Tendency --> Mean
    Measure_of_Central_Tendency --> Median
    Measure_of_Central_Tendency --> Mode
    Mean --> Weighted_Mean
    Mean --> Trimmed_Mean
    Measure_of_Dispersion --> UniVariate
    Measure_of_Dispersion --> BiVariate
    UniVariate --> Range
    UniVariate --> Variance
    UniVariate --> Standard_Deviation
    UniVariate --> CV
    UniVariate --> Five_Number_Summary
    Five_Number_Summary --> Percentile
    Five_Number_Summary --> Box_Plot
    BiVariate --> Covariance
    BiVariate --> Correlation

Bash: Tips and Tricks

This page contains some Tips and Tricks which are helpful to work with Bash scripts or Terminals. I have mentioned only those tips and tricks which I uses most in my daily routine, BTW you can refer to links which I have shared to know all the tips and tricks.

🧪 Introduction To Hypothesis Testing

🥊 Null V/S Alternative Hypothesis

Parameter Null Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis
Definition A null hypothesis is a statement in which there is no relation between the two variables. An alternative hypothesis is a statement in which there is some statistical relationship between the two variables.
What is it? Generally, researchers try to reject or disprove it. Researchers try to accept or prove it.
Testing Process Indirect and Implicit Direct and Explicit
p-value Null hypothesis is rejected if the p-value is less than the alpha-value; otherwise, it is accepted. An alternative hypothesis is accepted if the p-value is less than the alpha-value otherwise, it is rejected.
Notation \(H_0\) \(H_1\)
Symbol Used Equality Symbol (=, ≥, ≤) Inequality Symbol (≠, <, >)