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Handle Outliers - Univariate

Handling outlier is a big task for data scientist. To handle the outliers we have many different methods to handle them i.e. IQR, Z-score, Mean-Median Imputation, Winsorization, etc. We are going to discuss only univariate methods to handle outliers.

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📆 Regularization in ML

Regularization is used to solve the problem of overfitting caused while training a ML model. In regularization, the model is penalized for overfitting on train data means whenever model tries to predict on training data it add some penalty to the loss function in term of coefficients of the model.

Clustering Algorithms in ML

Applications of Clustering

  • Customer Segmentation: To show personalized ADs to customers.
  • Data Analysis: Perform analysis to each cluster after performing clustering on the whole dataset.
  • Semi Supervised Learning: Google Photos uses this technique to identify person's face and put them into a separate folder.
  • Image Segmentation: You can create segments in photos to represent different objects in the photo.
