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YT Comment Sentiment - Frontend Side

Technology Description
pnpm A fast and efficient package manager for JavaScript projects, known for its disk space usage.
shadcn/vue A customizable component library for building elegant UIs in modern web applications.
Tailwind CSS A utility-first CSS framework for creating custom designs quickly and efficiently.
Vite A next-generation frontend build tool for blazing-fast development and hot module replacement.
Vue.js A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications.

What I followed?


  1. Documentation is the most important resource for your learning and I followed it thoroughly.
  2. Took help of ChatGPT to solve bugs and asked questions related to these frameworks/tools.

Although, I didn't have much knowledge of Vue, Vite and ShadCN like frameworks/tools but their documentations and ChatGPT helped me so much that I am able to learn, build, diagnose and deploy the frontend in almost 2-3 days.

Yes, some credits goes my past knowledge of programming because that's why I able to figure out how do things works and how handle them by doing right things.

What type of problems I have faced?

हे भगवान! While learning and working on this frontend project, sometime I get messed up with very silly typo mistakes in JavaScript.

The things you are building happily in local will totally change when you are trying to deploy it and I have faced this too 😢.


  • How to emit data from Child component to Parent component in VueJs?
  • How to create and work with forms?
  • How to use v-model?
