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Channel Recommender System

I've built contentType prediction pipeline using videos titles. Now, I am thinking that what if I can recommend similar channels on the basis of their subscribed channels. I can recommend channels using channel's videos titles and videos tags.

Training Pipeline

Data Ingestion and Preprocessing

  • System import data from two types of sources "db" (database) and "file" (local file).
  • Next, I validate the data on the basis of columns present in the data.
  • Then data goes for preprocessing step, during this step data is being clean and all the required feature has been extracted from it using library.

Model Overview

As you know I am working with videos title and tags which are are textual data so I've used TfidfVectorizer (for text to vector conversion). I've used two TfidfVectorizer for each column (title and tags) and then used ColumnTransformer to create a (sort of) chain transformation step.

def get_vectorizer() -> ColumnTransformer:
    title_transformer = TfidfVectorizer(
        ngram_range=(1, 2),
        preprocessor=preprocess_title,# (1)!
    tags_transformer = TfidfVectorizer(
        ngram_range=(1, 2),
        preprocessor=preprocess_tags,# (2)!
    transformer = ColumnTransformer(
            ("title_trf", title_transformer, "title"),
            ("tags_trf", tags_transformer, "tags"),
    return transformer
  1. Function to preprocess texts of "title" column.
  2. Function to preprocess texts of "tags" column.

Data to Export

Now, I've successfully built the pipeline and trained the system but there comes a question that how to reccommend a channel and for that I've to export some essential data like the vectorized array (vectorized videos titles and tags) with its metadata like channelId and channelTitle. To tackle this thing I've combine these data and created a pl.DataFrame and then export it as parquet format.

def training(
    input_data: Literal["db", "file"],
    # Extra code hidden...

    df = preprocess_data(df)
    transformer = get_vectorizer()
    transformed_data = transformer.fit_transform(df.to_pandas())

    # Combine transformed_data, channelId, channelTitle as DataFrame
    title_tags_trf_df ="channelId", "channelTitle").with_columns(
        pl.lit(transformed_data.toarray()).alias("transformed_data")  # type: ignore

    dump_object(transformer, CH_RECO_TRANSFORMER_PATH) # (1)!
    # Export dataframe as parquet format for lesser size
  1. 👀 Here, I'm exporting ColumnTransformer object.

What is parquet format?

Parquet is a columnar storage format that provides compression benefits and is particularly suitable for analytical queries.

Prediction Pipeline

I'm calling this step as Prediction Pipeline 🙂 because it doesn't feels good to call Reccommendation Pipeline 😞.

Here, I've to get any channel's data (videos titles and tags) to transform using stored ColumnTransformer object. After, transforming the data I've calculated cosine_similarity between new channel's vector and vector which I have stored on training step and from that whichever channel has greater similarity value is being reccommended to the user 🤩.

def prediction(data: pl.DataFrame):
    # Extra code hidden...

    transformer: ColumnTransformer = load_object(CH_RECO_TRANSFORMER_PATH)
    transformer_data = pl.read_parquet(CH_RECO_TRANSFORMER_DATA_PATH)

    transformed_data = transformer.transform(data.to_pandas())
    similarity = cosine_similarity(
        transformed_data.toarray(),  # type: ignore
    return"channelId", "channelTitle").with_columns(


Reccommendation System Summary

  • Ingesting data from database or local file. I had made API endpoint to fetch data from datbase.
  • Using Polars library for data manipulation.
  • This recommender system trained on Youtube Channel's Videos titles and tags which means it recommend on the basis of the channel's videos contents like title and tags.
  • Used TfidfVectorizer for text-to-vec conversion.

Provide Weights to Vectorizer

Previously, I thought that I can add a functionality to provide weights to each vectorizer (TfidfVectorizer) to make the system more robust and I had achieved it (See Notebook) but not feels good while actual implementation because it creates so much objects to store and makes the prediction (recommendation) step complex.

I have to store each vectorizer, vectorized data (title and tags) and the metadata (channelId and channelTitle) too which this pipeline complex and hard to keep track of objects.

Adding More Features

I have tried to add more features like categoryName (channel owner provide category of the video while uploading) and contentTypePred (a feature I have predicted using ML) but I found it difficult to implement and it doesn't show much effect while reccommending. That's why I thought a different idea to implement this.

I can filter the reccommended channels on the basis of categoryName and contentTypePred in the frontend part (yeah this not the right way of doing this but I'll think about it later).

🙏 Thank You for reading this. I am Anshul Raj Verma and I am a Data Scientist.