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Resume Tips

NOTE: I am writing this article from the POV of Data Scientists.

📝 Important Points To Follow

By implementing these strategies, you can elevate your Resume/CV to effectively communicate your qualifications and stand out among the competition in today's job market.

  • Keep It Concise

    Limit your CV to a single page to maintain reader interest and showcase your most relevant experiences succinctly.

  • Optimize Layout

    Minimize white spaces and prioritize content placement for a visually appealing and easy-to-read document.

  • Highlight Relevant Projects

    Tailor your CV to the job role by including specific projects that demonstrate your skills and expertise in alignment with the position.

  • Include Important Links

    Provide links to your LinkedIn, GitHub, and Kaggle profiles to offer recruiters a deeper insight into your professional background and achievements.

  • Showcase Certifications

    Feature 2 to 4 certifications that highlight your commitment to continuous learning and validate your proficiency in relevant areas.

  • Emphasize Technical Skills

    Dedicate a section to showcasing your technical prowess, listing skills such as Statistics, GenAI, Power BI, and other job-specific technologies to demonstrate your capability to excel in the role.

  • Tweak CV For Job Role

    Tweak your CV before submitting for job role, company's requirements; don't add unnecessary projects or tech skills other than required one.

🔖 How to list projects?

  • Project starts with Project Title.
  • Define project assessment in bullet points.
  • Must write the results (like RMSE, MAE of model). TLDR; Result has to be a number afterall.
  • Dedicate one or two points to define how you solve the problem using this project.

🎨 Formatting

  • Result numbers must be in bold.
  • Use Sans Serif fonts like Calibri or Poppins.
  • Use font size between 10 to 12.
  • Too many formatting style must be restricted.

🖊 Writing

  • Check Grammatical errors. Use ChatBots to tackle this.
  • Use Action Verbs in your Resume. Checkout some well-known words below
  • 🙅 Don't add summary which shows you that you wants to grow or you'll help the company to grow and something like this.
  • You can skip your Profile Summary or About Me section; if your CV got bigger. But try to keep it short and crisp.
List of Action Verbs

Action Verbs- Image

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